Is useless in the Ruins, mediocre in the Coves.Can only become afflicted, can never roll virtuous.Nerfs have made him less appealing before his.Multiple actions per turn, susceptible to bleedĪnd sit in ranks 1-2 for most of the fight. Safe reliable heals that only need the flag to be.Strongest bleeds out of any hero in the roster.TL DR don't expect a flawless no death run. Q: Am I still going to get my butt kicked in BM/Stygian after this guide?Ī: Hell yes you are, this is BM/Stygian expect a lot of hurt during these runs and even having to restart some, my journey through BM/Stygian was not easy by no means, there was a lot of Hero blood, sweat, and tears shed throughout it. If you are ready for all of these then you can proceed through the guide which will be structured like this. Possibly multiple runs deleted due to an unbearable setback (My failed runs number around the double digits).Hero deaths you will absolutely have no control over (we're not fighting goblins, 100YR+ demon kings that want to take over the world, elves, we're fighting eldritch horrors that can bend reality at their will, you're practically sending them to their death more than half the time.).This guide is aimed to ease your hardships when attempting to do a BM/Stygian run for the first time before going into this guide be prepared for the following to occur during your time spent on getting this achievement: